Packaging: The design on this can is highly influenced by the name Wave. The font bearing the name has a little swirl coming off the top just like that of an ocean wave. The art work on it depicting the waves is done very well. The can is mostly a silvery blue with light blue, silver, and red highlights.
Taste: At first when I opened the can the drink smelled like it was a fruity flavor of some sort. I was not really sure. I had read the ingredients already, and knew it had vegetable juices in it. These are things I had never heard of before, too! It contains juice or extract concentrates from the likes of the black carrot, elderberry (which I had actually heard of before), purple sweet potato, and the (common) red cabbage. It kind of makes you furrow your brow in confusion, right? Surely all of that can not taste good together. Wrong. It is actually a very delightful flavor. Like I said above, it is more fruit like in flavor than vegetable. It has a bit of a veggie aftertaste, but not too much. I drank the sugar sweetened one for this review. It was not syrupy like many energy drinks are, which is a huge plus.
Energy: I got a good amount of energy from this. I actually drank it well into the evening, and was still going strong by midnight, or even 1am while working on a project. The proprietary blend is listed on the can as being 1.14g altogether, but it does not list specifics on each item in it. The ingredients there include Taurine, Caffeine, Inositol, L-Lysine, Choline Bitartrate, and Guarana Seed Extract. It also has a lot of Vitamin B-6, but lesser amounts (not 100% DV) of B-1, 2, 3, 5, and 12. But given that there are 6 different B-Vitamins in it there is definitely a return there on energy and focus. Not to mention if you drink the whole can at once, like most people do, then you are actually getting a double dose of all the vitamins in it.
Overall Impression: I enjoyed this drink. It gave a good boost of energy, and tastes good too. I am going to give it a 9/10. I have to give them props for using real juices to flavor the drink. And while it boasts on the website of a lower caffeine content, it still manages to deliver on the energy.
Find Them on the Web: http://www.tastethewave.com/
*Photo edited from the Wave website (didn't have time to take one myself)
*Photo edited from the Wave website (didn't have time to take one myself)