Monday, November 29, 2010

Go Girl GLO

 I grabbed this drink on the way to do some shopping. It was a little before lunch so I thought I would see how the Super Citrimax worked.

Packaging: The packaging is very simple. It is teal with the Go Girl logo and the name of the drink, stating that it promotes healthy skin. On the side of the can is a description of the beverage which says that GLO has less caffeine and calories than most other energy drinks to provide an "uplifting yet relaxing experience". Also, it is here we find that the flavor is a pomegranate and starfruit combination. A portion of the proceeds go to Ovarian Cancer research and awareness. That is pretty cool, since most people are not as aware of that as they are of breast cancer research and fundraisers and the like.

Taste: The taste is fruity. I could not place the flavor until I read the side of the can (I'm a open and taste first, read the label later kind of taster; this helps me not to make distinctions before I taste something so I can get a less biased review.) I have only ever had pomegranate and starfruit once before in my life, so I am not sure how closely it tastes like the fruits, but the flavor is light and fruity. The low carbonation helps the flavor. However, I could taste the sucralose a little more in this one than I could the Go Girl Sugar Free, which I found unusual.

Energy: I got a decent boost of energy from this drink. It kept me going through shopping, and into the afternoon. I did not notice any appetite suppression from the Super Citrimax though. I had drank this right before lunch time, and had not eaten breakfast, so it might have just been I was too lacking on food energy for the Super Citrimax to have any effect on me. That did not take away from the energy from it though. It is a very light energy though, as it only has 75mg of Caffeine in it. Other ingredients in the Energy Blend are Taurine - 500mg, Super Citrimax - 508mg, CoQ 10 - 10mg (generates energy on the cellular [biological] level), Aloe Vera - 10mg. There is also a 6% daily value of Vitamin E for skin health.

Overall Impression: I really enjoyed this drink. The flavor was good. The energy was light, but noticeable. I will give this a 9/10.

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