Monday, November 1, 2010


This was my first time trying an energy pill. I've seen products like No-Doz and the like but never took any, although I got a sample of No-Doz one time, I have never had to pull an all nighter or anything recently so I have kept it around for if I will!

I got some samples from Theazine the middle of last week or so, and have tested it out over the weekend. My first batch of samples were the ones in the two pill packs. The post office machines were not kind to the package and the guys over at Theazine were kind enough to send some more for me to try for review. They sent over a bottle and more of the little packs.

The packaging is a simple red/silver/white design. The front of the packaging states that it is a "productivity enhancing formula" and that it is "Formulated for: Deep, Calm Focus and Concentration. Relaxed Energy." The ingredients back that up. It contains Vitamin B1 & B12, Folic Acid, L-Theanine, and Caffeine, as well as other ingredients for the filler and pill capsules.

Because Theazine has vitamins in it, you should take it as you would any other vitamin or dietary supplement containing vitamins. The serving suggestion is two capsules. The directions also say for a moderate energy boost to take one capsule, and not to exceed 4 capsules in a 24 hour time period. The bottle does not say specifically how much caffeine is in it, but it compares the amount to that of a regular cup of coffee.

The energy I got from it is exactly as promised. The B Vitamins really help to keep me focused while working on projects and even while gaming. I could feel the caffeine working too, getting me energized as well, which is more than I can say for some energy drinks I have had. It is not a jittery energy though. It really is a relaxed and more focus based energy than a hyper kind of leg bouncing energy.

All in all I would suggest this to anyone who needs more energy, especially those working in an office or for college students who need to study and be focused but also may need to sleep at night! Theazine does what most energy drinks can't, and that is give you energy that helps you focus instead of energy that distracts you. The energy is not coming from sugar or carbs like most energy drinks either, which is helpful on many fronts, including no sugar crash when it wears off.

This is an excellent product, especially for people who need to focus and do not want the crash of an energy drink.

Check out to try it out for yourself. The cost is $19 for a bottle of 60 pills, which is cheaper than 30 servings of energy drinks!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review! Best of luck with your site.

