Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Go Girl Bliss

Packaging: The can is a lovely orange-ish peach color.  It has the Go Girl logo with the flavor/name Bliss written in a very neat script. There is also a peach logo in the top right edge of the front of the can that tells us that there is only 35 calories in this drink. The blurb on the side of the can describes the drink, and the benefits of Yerba Mate tea in that is does not make you jittery like black tea does. At the bottom of the info is another ribbon. The proceeds from this drink also go to Breast Cancer research and awareness, which is very cool that they are doing that.

Taste: Upon opening the aroma of peach hit me. The taste is very much peach, and that of tea. It is made with yerba mate but the flavor is more mellow than what yerba mate tea I've tasted from just brewed yerba mate. It is very nice and light. It does not have that energy drink bite, but it gives notable energy.

Energy: I was much more awake after drinking this. I drank it around 1pm and was still going strong by 6pm or so. Then I kind of crashed. I am not sure it was the beverages fault though, as I am still recovering from some sinus allergies/cold right now. It did keep me awake and somewhat focused for a few hours, which was good. I really like the use of Yerba Mate to provide the caffeine. The energy blend in this is Taurine - 400mg, Garcinia Cambogia - 100mg, Inositol - 50mg, Caffeine - 65mg. So this is a little light on the caffeine, so it is not as strong as some energy drinks, but it is designed for women who may not want or need as much caffeine as guys do.

Overall Impression: I really liked the flavor of this one. It is easy to drink, and very refreshing. It provides less energy in the long run, but it is not designed to be overly caffeinated like some energy drinks. I will give this a 9/10. It is a solid drink with great taste and gives an energy boost about like that of regular soft drinks, without all the calories.

Find Them on the Web: http://www.gogirlenergy.com/

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