Friday, November 19, 2010

Go Girl Sugar Free Energy Drink

My first thought upon seeing this can was that I would not like it as I tend to find sugar free drinks unfavorable to drink more than once. Well, I learned with this drink never to judge a book by its cover!

Packaging: The first thing I noticed was how pink the can was, and the "Sugar Free" label on the front of the can. I like the slant of the letters in "Go Girl" as it gives emphasis on it and encourages momentum. Along the top of the can is the tag phrase Beautiful Energy along with Serve Chilled and Lightly Carbonated. Along the side of the can is an explanation to the pink-ness of the can - A portion of the proceeds are donated to breast cancer research. Big props to them there! The drink is also certified Kosher.

Taste: The flavor of this drink is not listed on the can, but it reminded me of strawberries and cream soda. I'm not sure how close this is to what the developers of the flavor would describe it as, but that is the impression I got from it. Also, on the note of the "sugar free" that had me worried I would not be able to finish it without cringing... Well, I had no problem with this! I could not tell in the slightest that this was sweetened with sucralose! There was no strange aftertaste, no distinction I usually find with artificial sweeteners. I thoroughly enjoyed the flavor of this drink. It is one that you can kind of tell it is a energy drink, but you cannot tell that it is a diet drink.

Energy: Before I popped open the can I was noticeably dragging in energy levels. From the time I opened it to the time I finished it was about half an hour. I was energized right away after only about a third of the can. I stayed energized well into 5 hours or so. There was no noticeable crash at the end. The lack of sugar helped there greatly. The vitamins containes has the usual line-up of B-vitamins Riboflavin (80% Daily Value), Niacin (100% DV), B6 (250% DV), B12 (80% DV), as well as Pantothenic Acid (B5 50% DV)), and Magnesium (10% DV). The Energy blend is listed as: Taurine - 800mg. Garcinia Cambogia - 200mg. This is a mild herbal appetite suppressant. I am not sure how it pertains to giving energy, but it is a diet drink, so it pertains in that way, I suppose. It also contains Inositol - 100mg. This is a carbohydrate, although it is said to not be a sugar. Then there is Caffeine - 100mg.

Overall Impression: I was very impressed with the flavor of this beverage. The noticeable lack of the typical sugar free taste was a plus. The light, fruity, strawberry flavor was very refreshing. I like it. I would drink it again. I have to give this a 10/10 because it gave a good amount of energy for a 12 oz can, and the flavor is pretty amazing.

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More reviews for some other Nor-Cal Beverages products coming up in the next few days.

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